Weekly News Roundup August 31-September 4, 2020

Weekly News Roundup August 31-September 4, 2020

Time continues to march on, and somehow, we have started yet another month, bringing us one step closer to fall. To say this has been a week for RSA and RSA Conference would be an understatement. Most notably for us was the significant milestone of RSA emerging as an independent company on Tuesday, September 1, 2020.

As for RSA Conference, we’ve been making our way through dozens and dozens of submissions that have come in this first week of September. We are both excited with and impressed by what we’ve seen entered through our RSAC 2021 Call for Speakers.

We are also fortunate to have a global community of security practitioners who are guided by their desire to solve problems. To that end, many of the men and women in our industry love to share their success stories with others. They are now about to do so through our RSAC 365 platform, a cybersecurity learning program that shares the voices of practitioners the world over as they share their insights into how they’ve overcome the challenges of everything from threat hunting to ransomware.

Now let’s turn to other news and take a look at what else has happened in cybersecurity this week.

Sept. 5: According to IoT For All, Europe’s new Cybersecurity Act makes “ weekly roundup august september