VPNs' Future: Less Reliant on Users, More Transparent, And Smarter

VPNs' Future: Less Reliant on Users, More Transparent, And Smarter
Virtual private networking is poised to become more automated and intelligent, especially as endpoints associated with cloud services and the IoT need protection.

Market consolidation, transparent operation, greater intelligence: If this were Jeopardy, here's where you'd say, "What's the future of the VPN market look like?" Then you'd be on to Technology Forecasts for $500.

What isn't in question is that virtual private networking technology will remain critical to protecting users, organizations, and their data. What is changing, according to industry experts, is the degree of automation and intelligence in VPN technology, not to mention the degree to which VPN functionality resides less in the hands of users (consistently cited as secure networking's weakest link) and more on the back end of the network. But continued growth of cloud services and the Internet of Things (Iot) means secure connectivity will still be needed.

Indeed, VPN revenue is poised for tremendous growth, according to Global Market Insights, which forecasts it to exceed $54 billion by 2024, up from $17 billion in 2018.

But how VPN technology gets deployed will change. Whereas VPNs used to rely on remote users remembering to turn on their VPN client software (or off), VPN authorization and access functions are getting subsumed into the network itself and are transparent to users. However, that's still several quarters down the time line.

In the meantime, consolidation has been reshaping the VPN market in the past year, according to Chase Cunningham, an analyst with Forrester. "The broader topic is the death of the VPN," h ..

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