Using Strategic Choices to Ensure Continuous and Effective Cyber Security

Using Strategic Choices to Ensure Continuous and Effective Cyber Security
Organizations are overwhelmed by the choice of cyber security tools in the market. They need to balance prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities with managing their secure configurations. What’s more, many organizations are using hybrid clouds where they need to protect assets that are hosted both on premises and in the cloud.This complexity requires a thoughtful approach to cyber security. Specifically, it requires that they spend some time figuring out what kind of solution they need, choosing a solution provider that fits their needs and then validating a solution before they elect to purchase it. Let’s explore these topics in greater detail one by one.Settling on a SolutionYou need a solution that you can depend on, that is able to provide you with necessary cyber security controls that minimize your exposure and improve your cyber security posture. Able to provide adequate coverage…affordable…easy to deploy…easy to learn…scalable…customizable…these are all just some of the characteristics that should factor into your decision-making process when it comes to purchasing a solution.Simultaneously, it is important to filter out hyperbolic marketing messages from vendors, heavily-budgeted marketing channels and sponsored thought leaders’ representations, as these types of resources sometimes create an illusion of eff ..

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