Tycoon malware rages through US schools, LG's boot problem, and QNAP admins had better get busy

Tycoon malware rages through US schools, LG's boot problem, and QNAP admins had better get busy

It is time once again for El Reg's weekly security roundup. Here's a look at a few of the more interesting stories making the rounds over the past seven days.

Wishbone hit with class-action suit

A few weeks back, hackers dumped limited information on some 40 million people who used Wishbone, a sort of polling app where users choose between two different items.

Now, the lawyers have stepped in and filed a class action suit against Mammoth Media, the company that made the leaky app.

Of particular interest is the fact that many of the victims were teenagers. The US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is particularly strict in this area, and fines can be very large indeed.

BlackBerry talks up ..

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