ToTok is a spying tool used by the United Arab Emirates: report - Fox News

ToTok is a spying tool used by the United Arab Emirates: report - Fox News

Report: Popular messaging app ToTok is a spying tool used by the United Arab Emirates

According to a new report by The New York Times, popular messaging app ToTok, is actually a powerful surveillance tool used by the United Arab Emirates to spy on and track every conversation, movement, relationship, appointment, sound and image of its users. The app was recently removed by Google and Apple from their respective app stores.

A popular messaging app is a spying tool used by the United Arab Emirates to track the activities of those who download it, a new report claims.

The app, known as ToTok, is a powerful surveillance tool that's capable of monitoring every conversation, movement, relationship, appointment, sound and image of its users, The New York Times reported on Sunday. Most of the app's users are reportedly in the Emirates, but it has grown in popularity in the U.S., especially among teenagers.

The Times reports that the firm behind ToTok, Breej Holding, is actually a front for DarkMatter, an Abu Dhabi-based cyberintelligence and hacking firm employing Emirati intelligence officials, former National Security Agency employees and former Israeli military intelligence agents.
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