Too bad, so sad, exploit devs: Google patches possibly several million dollars' worth of security flaws in Android

Too bad, so sad, exploit devs: Google patches possibly several million dollars' worth of security flaws in Android

Except one – a 'your phone is now my phone' bug reported months ago and still not fixed

Google this week emitted the September edition of its monthly Android security updates – and has left at least one known vulnerability unpatched. Also, in case you missed it, the web giant started rolling out Android 10 a few days ago.

The September 2019 bundle of security fixes will be pushed out automatically to Google-branded devices, while those with other Android gear will be fed the fixes by their device manufacturer or mobile carrier. Some of the holes can be patched remotely by the ad giant via its Google Play Services regardless of the maker of the underlying hardware. In summary, check for ..

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