The White House Is Rewriting Contracting Language to Clarify Security Liability 

The White House Is Rewriting Contracting Language to Clarify Security Liability 

The Office of Management and Budget plans to standardize language in all government contracts with cloud vendors that would update liability terms regarding security, according to the official in charge of leading federal agencies’ move to the shared-responsibility ecosystems.

“I think there is a need to update our [service level agreements] with the cloud providers and we're actively working on that within [the General Services Administration],” Thomas Santucci, the director of the Data Center and Cloud Optimization Infrastructure Program Management Office at GSA, said.

Santucci provided a status report on the government’s efforts to improve efficiency and lower costs by moving to the cloud during a virtual conference the Digital Government Institute hosted today.    

“OMB has just stood up a [program management office] to work on a cloud SLA template for the federal government to be attached to every contract,” Santucci said when asked about the liability issue and whether cloud service providers or government customers should be held responsible for security.  

Security was one of the topics mentioned in establishing the new contract templates, he said.

Technology vendors precluding liability in government contracts has long been an issue, and it could be one reason some in government agencies have been timid about moving to the cloud in the past, according to a program manager speaking from the “frontlines” of the cloud migration effort during the DGI conference.  

“The common themes that I heard were ‘I don’t understand security, I don’t want to have to deal with security by myself, and I’m also not a cloud expert,’” Joe Foster, cloud computing program manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, said regarding his early days of trying to get agency components to move to the cloud.   

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