The Twitter hack: Why Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and others might have reason to be worried

The Twitter hack: Why Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and others might have reason to be worried

The real problem is not the cryptocurrency scam…

Twitter has shared more information about the high profile hack it suffered yesterday which saw highstreet brands and public figures have their accounts hijacked to promote a cryptocurrency scam.

In a series of tweets, @TwitterSupport said that it had found no evidence that whoever breached the accounts – possibly via Twitter’s own internal administration tool – accessed any passwords.

As a result, it’s not calling on users to change their passwords. Of course, it would be remiss of me not to take the opportunity to remind anyone who hasn’t yet done so to protect their Twitter account with two-factor authentication (2FA).

Having 2FA wouldn’t have protected you from this latest attack, because Twitter’s internal tool is capable – no doubt – of disabling it on user accounts, but normally it’s a very sensible idea to have the option enabled.

But what I think is most interesting is what Twitter hasn’t said.

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The hackers who compromised high profile Twitter accounts used the platform to post a fairly rudimentary cryptocurrency scam to millions of followers

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