The Future of Finserv Security: Cloud Expert and Former CISO Anthony Johnson Weighs In

The Future of Finserv Security: Cloud Expert and Former CISO Anthony Johnson Weighs In

In today's increasingly mobile, fast-paced world, it's no surprise that financial services (finserv) organizations have a massive bullseye on their backs. The amount of personal data they access daily makes them an attractive target for those with malicious intent. In fact, the average cost of a data breach in the financial services sector is $18.9 million, according to data from IBM. With so much at stake, finserv security professionals need to remain vigilant and up-to-date on evolving trends and best practices occurring throughout the sector.

That's where Anthony Johnson comes in. Johnson is a cloud security expert who has experienced almost every facet of cybersecurity. From being a hands-on red team technician to serving as a Global Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at JP Morgan Chase, Johnson has seen it all.

We caught up with Johnson to get his take on the latest developments in cloudsec and how these developments are being received within the financial services sector.

What unique challenges or pain points did you/do you encounter as a CISO in finserv?

When I think about the challenges I faced as a CISO in this space, all roads lead back to innovation and the need to move quickly. Business units in financial services are generally expected to move at the speed of consumer demand.

And this need to innovate is different from other industries, adding even more pressure. Consumers demand the latest and greatest technology for convenience and ease of use. They place financial institutions under intense pressure to continuously improve. Financial services organizations will always strive for the latest innovation because they need to in order to compete ..

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