Stay Ahead of Threats With Cloud Workload Protection

Stay Ahead of Threats With Cloud Workload Protection

When it comes to cloud-native applications, optimal security requires a modern, integrated, and automated approach that starts in development and extends to runtime protection. Cloud workload protection (CWP) helps make that goal possible by bringing major structural changes to software development and enhancing security across all processes.

Assessing workload risk in the cloud

Both the rise of cloud proliferation and the high speed of deployments can make distilling down the necessary cloud security controls an overwhelming challenge. Add to the mix the ever-evolving threat landscape, and the measures you take can literally make or break your cloud deployments, including the security of your workloads.

The increasing distribution and complexity of cloud-native applications across VMs, hosts, Kubernetes, and multiple vendors requires an end-to-end, consistent workload protection platform that unifies both CSPM and CWPP functionalities, thus enabling a holistic approach for protecting valuable assets in the cloud.

How Rapid7 is changing cloud workload protection

In order to get unmanaged risk under control, Rapid7 is on a mission to help drive cloud security forward, both within individual organizations and as an entire industry.

This is why Rapid7 recently introduced InsightCloudSec, an entire division dedicated solely to cloud security and all it encompasses.

In its most recent launch, InsightCloudSec brings forward a series of functionalities that bolsters our ability to help our customers protect their cloud workloads and deployments by providing a fully integrated, cloud-native security solution at scale. These improvements include:

Enhancing risk assessment of Kubernetes and containersEnabling developers to scan code from the CLI on their machinesExpanding automation ..

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