Sectigo partners with SPYRUS to help universities and enterprises protect against ransomware attacks - Help Net Security

Sectigo, the world’s largest commercial Certificate Authority (CA) and a provider of purpose-built and automated PKI management solutions, announced a partnership with SPYRUS, a provider of cryptographic operating systems delivering the strongest protection for data in motion, at rest, and at work, to help universities and enterprises protect against ransomware attacks.

By collaborating, Sectigo and SPYRUS ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data, enabling organizations to combat ransomware attacks.

“It is increasingly important for enterprises to manage and secure digital identities properly,” said Damon Kachur, Vice President, IoT Solutions, Sectigo.

“The collaboration between Sectigo and SPYRUS combines purpose-built PKI solutions with cryptographic operating systems to fully automate digital identity management, helping to assure organizations that their sensitive data is protected from cybercriminals.”

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