School’s Back, Cyberattack: Navigating Cyberattacks in the Education Sector

It’s a fact that all organisations are valuable targets for cybercriminals, no matter the size of the organisation. However, some sectors are targeted more than others. Education is one of those sectors.

In 2022, the UK Government outlined the percentage of organisations that had identified breaches or attacks over a period of 12 months, which found that 39% of all UK businesses suffered a breach. For educational institutions, that number was significantly higher. The research found that further education colleges (88%) and higher education colleges (92%) are most likely to identify breaches or cyberattacks.

But what makes education a highly coveted industry for cybercriminals to attack? Erfan Shadabi, Cybersecurity Expert at comforte AG, explains: “Educational institutions, ranging from primary schools to universities, have become attractive targets for cybercriminals. These organisations house vast amounts of sensitive data, including personal information of students, staff, and parents, as well as intellectual property, research data, and financial records.”

“The consequences of a successful cyber attack in an educational setting can be devastating, affecting not only the institution’s reputation but also the education and safety of students. Thus, it is imperative that educational institutions proactively invest in cybersecurity measures. Implementing data-centric security protocols in educational institutions can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and disruptions caused by cyberattacks.”

But with young people heading back to school this week, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued warnings for educational institutions to tighten security defences and remain vigilant to attacks.

Brian Higgins, security specialist at Compar ..

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