Regulation readiness: Embracing the privacy legislation wave ahead - Help Net Security

Regulation readiness: Embracing the privacy legislation wave ahead - Help Net Security

There are a few certainties in life. Your attempt to use the fifteen-item express checkout line with sixteen items will be denied by the seventeen-year-old cashier. The motorcycle cop will write you a $150 ticket instead of warning for going just three miles over the speed limit in your neighborhood. Your tactic of ignoring that federal privacy regulation just enacted will result in significant fines and penalties for your burgeoning business. Whatever the scenario, the rules most often reign supreme.

The recent wave of privacy regulations, including GDPR which came into effect on May 25, 2018 and CCPA which will apply on January 1, 2020, illustrate this unavoidable truth.

Some organizations are debating whether or not they should adhere to these regulation readiness embracing privacy legislation ahead security