Quick tech tricks: Save printer ink, avoid malware, speed browsing and more

Quick tech tricks: Save printer ink, avoid malware, speed browsing and more

You need a timer, and you need it fast. Do a Google search for “timer” and one appears right there for you to use. There’s a stopwatch option, too. Easy, right?

Here’s another smart tech tip I’m surprised so many people mess up. Most people fill in the email recipient section before writing the message. That’s a mistake. Make that your very last step — that way, there’s a much lower chance you’ll send an email before it’s truly ready to send.

Don’t stop there. Let’s dive into easy, quick tech tips you’ll always use.

Cybersecurity 101: After downloading a PDF file online, look at the file extension. You’re looking for .pdf. If the filename ends with .exe, delete it — it’s likely malware.

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Shhh: You can instantly silence incoming calls on your smartphone by pressing the side button, volume up or volume down button once. Nice.

YouTube shortcuts: On your computer, tap keys 0 through 9 to skip to a specific percentage of the video. Press 5 for 50%, 8 for 80% and so on. But wait, there’s more! Press J to rewind and L to fast forward. (“JLo” is an easy way to remember that.) But press K to pause first.

Forgetful? Do this! Are you that person who reads an email or text, mentally reminds yourself to reply lat ..

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