Provider: Cyber security must be national effort - Bahamas Tribune


Tribune Business Reporter

[email protected]

A Bahamas information technology provider yesterday said the government is taking the “right steps” towards improved cyber security, but added: ‘It’s about all of us.”

Scott MacKenzie, Cloud Carib’s chief executive, told Tribune Business: “We have to remember that security is just not one thing. It’s just not one thing that you do and you’re secure. It’s an evolving practice that has to happen every single day.”

Referring to the different ways that software and computer systems can be compromised, Mr MacKenzie pointed to speculative e-mails with attachments that human resource managers and departments may receive on a daily basis from prospective job applicants.

These attachments may carry malware, and leave recipients susceptible to phishing attacks that can compromise a security network, and Mr MacKenzie said: “This is where training and education can come into play here.

“So it’s education, awareness, things like the security operations project that the government is doing in conjunction with the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) and things like that. Security, at the end of the day, is about all of us.”

The government entered into a partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in February this year to develop and implement the National Cyber Security Emergency Response Team, in a bid to combat the numerous hacks into public sector entities over the last several years.