AWS Graviton Processor Support on Insight Agent

AWS Graviton Processor Support on Insight Agent

By Marco Botros

Marco is a Technical Product Manager for Platform at Rapid7.

We are pleased to announce that the Insight Agent now supports the AWS Graviton processor. The Insight Agent supports various operating systems using the AWS Graviton processor, including Amazon Linux, Redhat, and Ubuntu. The full list of supported operating systems can be found in our documentation.

AWS first introduced its ARM-based server processor — Graviton — in 2018. It has since released Graviton2 in 2020 and Graviton3 in May of 2022. The Graviton3 Processor has a 25% better compute performance and uses up to 60% less energy than the Graviton2 Processor. Besides supporting Linux on the Graviton Processor, we will continue to support it on both 32-bit and 64-bit intel processors. However, you will only be able to see the new Graviton installer if your organization’s agents are not pinned or, if they have been pinned, are on an agent version higher than 3.2.0. The new Linux installer is called ``, and the intel-based Linux installer has been renamed to `` (from just ``).

You can find more information on how to download and install the new Linux ARM Installer from the download section of Agent Management in the platform:

You can also use the Agent Test Set feature to roll out the new agent on a select set of machines before deploying it widely.

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