National Games of China Systems Attack Analysis | Avast

National Games of China Systems Attack Analysis | Avast

The Winter Olympics are here — so are related digital vulnerabilities

Today, the Winter Olympics will kick off in Beijing. China has recently had its own, national sporting event: On September 15, 2021, the National Games of China began in the Chinese city of Shaanxi. This is an event similar to the Olympics, but it solely hosts athletes from China. In early September, Avast threat researcher David Álvarez found a malware sample with a suspicious file extension and decided to investigate where it came from. Following that, he also found a report submitted by the National Games IT team to VirusTotal on an attack against a server associated with the Games. The Avast Threat Labs has recently published their own research on the incident based on publicly accessible information about it. 
The report contained access logs from the web-server and SQL database, which provided our threat researchers with partial information about the attack. The researchers were able to correlate this report with malware samples they discovered. 
The analysis shows attackers were able to gain access to a system hosting content for the National Games by exploiting a vulnerability in the web server. From there, they were able to load webshells, reconfigure servers and load tools, including a network scanner and a one-click exploitation framework.
Based on the report and our researchers’ own findings, it appears that the breach was successfully resolved prior to the start of the Games. Our team’s researchers were unable to detail what actions the attackers may have taken against the broader network a ..

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