Millions of redesigned licences to be issued by VicRoads following Optus hack

Millions of redesigned licences to be issued by VicRoads following Optus hack

VicRoads will issue almost 1 million new licences to Victorians who had their privacy breached as part of October's Optus hack.

Key points:

  • VicRoads will issue redesigned licences in response to the Optus breach
  • A new security number will be printed on the back of the card for identity verification
  • An estimated 942,000 Victorians were affected by the October hack
  • The breach affected up to 9.8 million current and former Optus customers who had personal details such as passport and licence numbers stolen in the hack.

    VicRoads said data obtained from the Department of Home Affairs confirmed that 942,000 Victorian licence holders had their details compromised as a result of the Optus data breach.

    The government will now issue redesigned licences with an additional security number on the back, similar to card verification value (CVV) codes used on credit and debit cards.

    "By the end of the year, these customers will use both their licence number and card number to prove their identity for services like opening bank accounts, loan applications, phone contracts and real estate transactions," VicRoads said on its website.

    Almost 10 million Optus customers in Australia may have been affected by October's cyber attack.(AAP: Dan Peled)

    About 342,000 Victorians flagged as directly affected by the Optus breach will receive their new cards by the end of the year, while the remaining 600,000 identified by the Department of Home Affairs can expect their card ..

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