Microsoft to Tap Community Colleges’ Cyber Talent

Microsoft to Tap Community Colleges’ Cyber Talent

Microsoft has announced plans to fill 250,000 cybersecurity roles by working with community colleges across the United States.

As part of the recruitment drive, the American multinational technology corporation said today that it intends to invest millions of dollars in education and teacher training over the next three years.

As of January 2021, there were 936 public community colleges and 73 independent community colleges registered with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) in the United States.

Microsoft stated that it will provide training for current and new teachers at 150 community colleges across the nation. The corporation also announced plans to provide scholarships or financial assistance to 25,000 community college students.

To assist educational establishments in stretching their budgets as far as possible, the tech company said it will make curriculum materials freely available to all community colleges and four-year schools in the United States.

Speaking about the funding and recruitment pledge at a press briefing, Microsoft president Brad Smith hinted at more help to come for colleges.

"Over the next three years, we'll put many tens of millions of dollars behind this effort," said Smith.

He added: "This is an opportunity for us to get started. This is not the ceiling on what we'll do."

A recent report by the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) and analyst Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals 2021, showed that the cybersecurity skills gap, identi ..

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