Lawmakers Raise Concerns About a China-Led World Intellectual Property Organization 

Lawmakers Raise Concerns About a China-Led World Intellectual Property Organization 

Four lawmakers raised concerns regarding China’s intent to lead the United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organization.  

In a letter penned to President Trump Monday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Reps. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif. and Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., warn that a China-led WIPO could endanger the United States’ economic security and pose a threat to IP rights and standards across the globe. The Congress members call on Trump to oppose the country’s recent nomination for the WIPO’s next director general and push international partners to do the same. "Given China's persistent violations of intellectual property protections, including through trade secret theft, corporate espionage, and forced transfer of technology, the United States and its allies must stand firmly against such a move," they wrote.

In mid-November, the People’s Republic of China’s State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs formally nominated Binying Wang to serve the six-year term as WIPO’s next director general. According to the nomination letter and corresponding CV submitted, Wang received a bachelor’s degree in English, Communication and Transportation from China’s Zhongnan University in the 1970s. In the 1980s, she received a diploma in American Commercial Law from Columbia Law School in New York and a master’s degree on U.S. law, including industrial property law, from the University of California, Berkeley’s law school. After spending a few years working for China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Wang joined WIPO in 1992. Since then, she’s served as ..

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