IT Security mentoring

IT Security mentoring

By Erhan T, finalist in the Security Serious Unsung Heroes Awards

As an ambassador for the Cyber Security Challenge UK, I often volunteer my time to be present at career fairs to support and answer questions from the next generation of possible cyber security professionals. The first question I am often asked is “how do I get into Cyber Security?” I talk through the variety of ways from apprenticeships to formal education (university), to even good-old self-taught via free resources online however one thing I always recommend regardless of the approach is a mentor. As a mentor for several aspiring students, who gain an experienced mentor with industry expertise, will find that they gain exposure to the breadth of technical challenges and soft skills all security professions must possess when tackling crucial decisions as part and parcel of working in this industry. This real-world perspective will complement the academic study which is also essential for any technical questions they may have as well as the softer skills to aid with any tricky decision-making choices we all must make as we progress on our career paths as security professionals.

Before anyone embarks on their mentor seeking journey I would suggest that they ask themselves the four questions below?

Am I willing to dedicate my time to this?  – Mentors may often give you recommendations to your challenges which will require you to go away and do some exploration/reading. Mentors will want to see you are motivated and are willing to react to the advice provided.
Am I eager to learn? – Security professionals should be willing to keep learning through certifications, reading and online resources. One thing any ..

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