IRS alerts public to ‘tax reminder’ phishing scam | Avast

IRS alerts public to ‘tax reminder’ phishing scam | Avast
Avast Security News Team, 30 August 2019

Plus, an Insta-scam snaps up login info, TrickBot makes a grab for your mobile PIN, and Brazil restabilizes after Telegram voicemail hacks

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service issued an alert to taxpayers about a new phishing scam that uses fraudulent emails posing as IRS communications to direct American taxpayers to download malware. With subject lines such as “Automatic Income Tax Reminder” or “Electronic Tax Return Reminder,” the emails allege that there is an issue with the target’s tax account, return, or refund. The target is given a temporary password and instructed to use it to access their file on a phony IRS webpage. In reality, using the password downloads a malicious file onto the victim’s computer. The agency’s release reminds taxpayers that the IRS will never initiate contact through email or text, generally sending correspondence through the mail instead. 
This week’s stat
62 U.S. colleges and universities were hacked by cybercriminals who gained access to student information via malicious requests on the internet, the Department of Education reported
2FA used to trick victims in Insta-scam 
Similar to the IRS scam, phishing emails are trying to trick Instagram users into entering their login credentials on attacker-controlled pages. SC Magazine reported that the new email scam uses a convincingly brief note that reads, “Someone tried to log in to your Instagram account. If this wasn’t you, please use the following code to confirm your identity.” The victim is given a 6-digit code and a link. C ..

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