How to Increase Your Security Team's Visibility Within Your Organization—And What Happens When You Do

How to Increase Your Security Team's Visibility Within Your Organization—And What Happens When You Do

Security is a multi-faceted responsibility. First, you need visibility into vulnerabilities across your organization. Then, you need to ensure that various stakeholders in the organization have visibility into the goals, objectives, and impact of security initiatives.

Unfortunately, you can’t have one without the other. That is to say, if there is limited visibility, there is limited understanding of risk, which can have a major impact on securing budget, resources, and confidence. In this post, we’ll discuss how visibility impacts each of these areas and how you can increase visibility and communication across the organization to improve your team’s reputation and available resources.

Lack of security visibility leads to lack of trust and collaboration

As they say, you can’t measure what you can’t see. And if you can’t see or measure it, you can’t communicate it. So, if you are trying to influence the IT or development teams to help you remediate what you consider high-risk vulnerabilities, for example, you can’t build your case without visibility and a clear understanding of the risk.

Without your own clarity, it’s next to impossible for other teams to see the importance of security and prioritizing security tasks over IT tasks. It also paints the security department in a bad light if the rest of the company can’t see the progress being made.

Lack of security visibility can reduce your security budget

When it comes to gaining leadership buy-in and budget, visibility and data are key. But if leadership can’t see the value that security brings to the company, they won’t want to (or be able to) invest in its future. That is to say, if there isn’t clear-cut da ..

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