F-Secure Countercept premieres at U.S. Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2019

F-Secure Countercept premieres at U.S. Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2019

F-Secure Countercept premieres at U.S. Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2019

F-Secure is showcasing Countercept, its award-winning, flagship managed detection and response service in America.

F-Secure Countercept combines teams of highly skilled threat hunters and incident responders with cutting-edge technology to deliver a comprehensive, real-time managed detection and response (MDR) service.

The solution recently won the Excellence accolade at the SC Awards Europe 2019 in the Best Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Protection category. It aims to raise the bar for defending organizations against even the most skilled human adversaries conducting live, hands-on keyboard attacks.

These adversaries include nation states, organized crime groups, and even hacktivists. Organizations from highly targeted industries like finance, energy, and critical infrastructure currently use F-Secure Countercept to defend themselves from targeted cyber attacks.

F-Secure is showcasing Countercept at booth #547 at the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2019 from June 17-20 at National Harbor in Maryland, U.S.A. Visitors will also be able to sign up to get more details about Countercept, as well as see a traveling hacking circus.

Tim Orchard, F-Secure Countercept managing director, will be talking about continuous response. F-Secure managing director, Americas, Rebecca Rathbun will be demonstrating the true financial impact that APT style attacks have on an organization and why these risks should play a stronger factor in defining an organization’s security posture.

Threat hunting and continuous response in one

On-call IT Sec Ops Admins are increasingly trying to rely on automated tooling to provide 24/7 detection and response. This exposes both mature and less mature businesses at a time when attacker activity is more likely to occur.

Many solutions offer the ability to detect attacks, but provide limited means to quickly slow down or ..

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