Disarming Employee Weaponization

Disarming Employee Weaponization
Human vulnerability presents a real threat for organizations. But it's also a remarkable opportunity to turn employees into our strongest cyber warriors.

Employee awareness has become a critical necessity for modern organizational security. While the human factor has always presented an "inside threat" for companies, it’s fast-growing: The more social, hyperconnected, fast-paced our culture becomes, the greater are the risks employees bring into the organizational cybernetic space.

Worse, no matter how robust today's cyber defense systems are, it seems that attackers always remain one step ahead. With vast data publicly available on any employee, "bad guys" easily gather and utilize personal information to target specific employee groups. These sophisticated tactics instantly expose employees' vulnerabilities and turn them into human weapons, which in some recent global cyberattacks have had a destructive impact on the entire organization.

Almost any sizable company today implements some sort of security awareness training program from lectures and posters to computer-based training modules, videos, and articles. These tools offer mostly static, dated content, designed to be passively consumed by employees. Lack of context and relevance to employees' daily routine yields disengagement and creates high friction between employees and IT and HR teams, who are constantly chasing employees to enforce the training.

Adopting a Secure Cyber LifestyleThere are better ways to engage employees and transform their behavior simply by leveraging the tremendous opportunity that modern reality offers. Due to multiple breaches in social networks, employees are gradually realizing just how vulnerable they are and how exposed and easy it is to breach their personal data. They also are starting to understand that they carry that risk home, to their family, home computers, and personal emails.

If we address employees' underlying concerns, we can recruit them to play an ..

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