Cybersquatting and Typosquatting: What's the difference between them?

Cybersquatting involves buying website URLs of already established businesses that do not have a related website.
Typosquatting involves buying a look-alike website URL that appears similar to the genuine URL of an established organization but actually contains a typo.

Cybersquatting and typosquatting both pose serious risks to an organization by affecting the organization’s reputation, income, and security.

What is Cybersquatting?

Cybersquatting or URL Hijacking is buying domain names of popular business names so that they can resell it in the future at a cost. Cybersquatting involves registering website URLs of already established businesses that do not have a related website.

For example, if Apple did not have a website, cybersquatters registered[.]com so that when Apple wanted to create a website in its name, it has to pay the cybersquatter and buy the website URL.

In such a case, Apple cannot have a different website because customers will obviously think that Apple’s website will be[.]com. This will cause damage to the brand’s reputation and its customers could be misled to the false website, therefore, Apple will have to buy back the URL from the cybersquatter.

What is Typosquatting?

On the other hand, Typosquatting is buying a look-alike website URL that appears similar to the genuine URL of an established organization but actually contains a typo.

For example, instead of and instead of

Typosquatters register such domain names with malicious intent. They can either use the domain names in phi ..

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