Cyber criminals using Coronavirus emergency to spread malware

Cyber criminals using Coronavirus emergency to spread malware

Yes, you read that right! Coronavirus emergency is being used to spreads dangerous Emotet trojan.

We have seen cybercriminals exploiting global events such as the Football World Cup, Christmas or disasters like missing Malaysia Plane (MH-370) to spread malware or misguide masses. But, this time, Coronavirus, a global health emergency is being used by crooks to not only spread malware but siphon off sensitive and personal data from unsuspected users.

Cybersecurity firms IBM X-Force and Kaspersky have identified a new campaign in which botnet-driven, malware-infected emails are being sent to unsuspected users. What makes it utterly disgusting is the fact that scammers are using coronavirus theme to trick the recipient into opening it.

Reportedly, these emails contain attachments, which are promoted as notices containing details of coronavirus infection prevention measures.

See: Fancy Bears hacked MH17 crash investigators with spear-phishing campaign

It is indeed ironic that scammers are using the name of coronavirus to distribute another malware widely known as the Emotet Trojan. Previously, the Emotet malware was distributed through corporate-style payment invoices and notification emails only, but this time around the impact of the campaign will surely be higher given the global nature of coronavirus infection ..

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