California Launches COVID-19 CA Notify App, Anomali Reminds Consumers to Remain Vigilant When Participating in Digital Contact Tracing

California Launches COVID-19 CA Notify App, Anomali Reminds Consumers to Remain Vigilant When Participating in Digital Contact Tracing

When it comes to COVID-19, everyone wants to do their part to help the world win the battle against the virus. At Anomali, we are doing everything in our power to contribute to the cause. Our global workforce is personally committed to stopping the spread of the virus and we’ve shifted to a remote-work model that allows all of our employees to remain safe in their homes, as much as possible.

We’ve also committed to standing on the frontlines of the second battle raging, the COVID-19 cyberwar. Within the first few days of the start of the pandemic, Anomali Threat Research identified a dozen nefarious groups that had launched malicious email phishing campaigns that used lures themed around COVID-19. By the end of March, our research crew had detected more than 6,000 indicators of compromise (IOCs) about cyberattacks taking place. In the threat intelligence field, an IOC is evidence that an attack is taking place.

Download: Anomali infographic detailing COVID-19 pandemic cyberattacks and threat actors

To help speed progress in the fight to stop the spread of the virus, many government organizations have partnered with Apple, Google, and other smartphone providers to enable digital contact tracing and exposure alerting. Anyone who opts-in can utilize their devices’ Bluetooth capability to receive an alert when they come into contact with someone who has either tested positive or been exposed to COVID-19. Designed to be anonymous and fully confidential, most agencies using these technologies promise that no personal information or location data will be captured or stored by them. All data is supposed to be kept on users’ devices. Anyone who receives an alert can then take the proper steps to quarantine and get ..

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