Black Hat: What’s in a Name

Black Hat starts Sunday. Over the years, the conference has come to be known by many names, ranging from “cybersecurity summer camp” to “hacker boot camp.” Equally interesting is the array of titles for the dozens of Briefings and Arsenal presentations scheduled. 

There is simply no way for anyone to attend every session, they overlap. The level of importance each holds for event-goers is certainly relevant to their interests and positions held. There are a few on the agenda this year that are attention grabbing to a wider audience, as they touch on several widely-publicised trends. For anyone who wants to gain more technical and general understanding of what some of these current events are all about, here is a list of a few talks to consider attending:

Trend: BiometricsBriefing: Biometric Authentication Under Threat: Liveness Detection HackingSchedule: Wednesday, Aug. 7 | 10:30-10:55 AM

Over the years, hackers and researchers have demonstrated lots of ways to bypass biometric authentication controls. This session adds an interesting twist. It will show attendees how the recent scourge of the security world, deep fake video and audio, can be used to fool biometric authentication layers. Anyone interested in leveraging these types of controls to protect their organization’s assets should consider attending.

Trend: Deep FakesBriefing: Detecting Deep Fakes with MiceSchedule: Wednesday, Aug. 7 | 10:30-10:55 AM

In the news media, the “deep fake” focus has been mostly on video. This is likely due to the fact that it provides great visuals for broadcast audiences and opens up myriad story possibilities tied to lightningrod politicians. Who won’t click on a news link about a deep fake video targeting Donald Trump? 

What’s super interesting about this briefing is that while it does take advantage of a ..

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