AWS Outage Hits Eastern US

AWS Outage Hits Eastern US

Amazon's cloud computing network suffered a five-hour outage on Tuesday, chiefly impacting individuals and businesses in the eastern United States.

Online services provided by a swathe of companies were disrupted by the incident at Amazon Web Services, which also affected Amazon's own e-commerce business.

Gaming site League of Legends PUBG went down, and Tinder, Coinbase, Netflix, Slack, Ticketmaster, Instacart, Robinhood, and Disney+ were disrupted.

Other companies waylaid by the outage included the Associated Press, whose publishing system was rendered inoperable for several hours. 

Amazon spokesperson Richard Rocha said yesterday that the company's warehouse and delivery operations experienced technical issues as a result of the incident. Other Amazon-owned services, including Ring security cameras, the Alexa voice assistant, Kindle, and Amazon Music, were affected.

Residents in the eastern United States were left without working doorbells, fridges, robot vacuum cleaners, and automated Christmas lights. 

In updates published to its service health dashboard yesterday, Amazon wrote: “We are seeing impact to multiple AWS APIs in the US-EAST-1 Region. This issue is also affecting some of our monitoring and incident response tooling, which is delaying our ability to provide updates. Services impacted include: EC2, Connect, DynamoDB, Glue, Athena, Timestream, and Chime and other AWS Services in US-EAST-1.”

The company said that the root cause of the outage was “an impairment of several network devices ..

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