Army Reserve gets its first cyber general

Army Reserve gets its first cyber general
Written by Jan 4, 2021 | FEDSCOOP

The U.S. Army Reserve recently introduced its first general to oversee its cybersecurity.

Newly promoted Brig. Gen. Robert Powell will serve as a deputy commanding general of cyber for the 335th Signal Command, specializing in overseeing the unit’s cyber activities, according to a news release from the Army. Powell has a long history in the Army Signal Corps and cyber-related units, most recently commanding the U.S. Army Reserve Cyber Protection Brigade from 2016 to 2019.

The military has seen its reserve components’ cyber capabilities as one option to enhance cyber-readiness, hoping to lean on members of the military who have left full-time service but can still offer their technical expertise as reservists. The Marine Corps also recently announced plans for more reserve units focused on network security.

“[Powell] is the first United States Army Reserve General Officer to come from the cyber branch,” said Maj. Gen. Stephen Hager, who led Powell’s promotion ceremony in December. “That is significant since it demonstrates to our younger troops that there is a path to general officership.”

Many of the military’s highest-ranking generals come from combat roles — less often from IT or cyber. In a recent opinion piece, the former chief learning officer of the Navy criticized the over-representation of combat offi ..

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