An Unexpected State With Strong Job Growth in Its Tech Sector

An Unexpected State With Strong Job Growth in Its Tech Sector

It’s not surprising that Washington state, with its resident corporate behemoths like Amazon and Microsoft and Seattle’s thriving tech sector, has posted some of the nation’s strongest technology industry job growth figures among states over the past decade.

But another state near the top of that list may not be as obvious: Utah.

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah this week released research that offers a deep dive into the state’s tech economy. Part of the report looks at how Utah and other states stack up against one another when it comes to tech industry jobs, growth, and wages.

It shows that between 2008 and 2018, Utah saw average annual employment grow in its tech industry by 4.9%, just shy of Washington, where the average rate was 5%.

“In terms of total employment and wages in the private sector, no state with an economy of Utah’s size had a larger tech industry in 2018,” said Levi Pace, a senior research economist at the Gardner Institute and the lead author of the report. 

The researchers also found that the tech industry job growth rate in Utah was more than double the growth rate in other industries there and more than triple the rate for the entire U.S. tech sector.

Checking in after Utah in the comparison of average annual job growth in the tech industry from 2008 to 2018 were: Washington, D.C. (3.1%), South Carolina (2.7%), and California (2.6%).

Growth is of course just one metric to compare states by.

In terms of total tech jobs in 2018, the report shows that California leads the pack, with 963,400 jobs in the sector. Texas is ..

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