A cryptor, a stealer and a banking trojan

A cryptor, a stealer and a banking trojan


As long as cybercriminals want to make money, they’ll keep making malware, and as long as they keep making malware, we’ll keep analyzing it, publishing reports and providing protection. Last month we covered a wide range of cybercrime topics. For example, we published a private report on a new malware found on underground forums that we call ASMCrypt (related to the DoubleFinger loader). But there’s more going on in the cybercrime landscape, so we also published reports on new versions of the Lumma stealer and Zanubis Android banking trojan. This blog post contains excerpts from those reports.

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As mentioned in our previous blog post, we monitor many underground forums. On one of them we saw an ad, promoting a new cryptor/loader variant called ASMCrypt. The idea behind this type of malware is to load the final payload without the loading process or the payload itself being detected by AV/EDR, etc. This sounds a lot like the DoubleFinger loader we discussed here.

In fact, after careful analysis, we believe with a high degree of confidence that ASMCrypt is an evolved version of DoubleFinger. However, ASMCrypt works slightly differently and is more of a “front” for the actual service that runs on the TOR network.

So how does it work? First the buyer obtains the ASMCrypt binary, which connects t ..

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