5 Steps for Dealing With Unknown Environments in InsightVM

5 Steps for Dealing With Unknown Environments in InsightVM

Trying to deal with a large network can be difficult. All too often, engineers and admins don't know the full scope of their environment and have trouble defining the actual subnets and the systems that exist on those subnets. They know of a couple /24 subnets here or there, but it's very possible they're missing a few. Once you get over a couple thousand assets, it can get fairly unruly pretty quick. Different teams own different servers and different network ranges. With regards to InsightVM, how do you know what sites create if you don't even know what you own?

Luckily, in InsightVM, we can use a little bit of SQL, an overarching site with a ping sweep, and a nifty little tag to help get a handle on things – all outside any third-party software or  other management tools you may acquire to help you wrangle in your IP space. This method in InsightVM lets you find all live assets and identify all network spaces being used in your environment. Then, we can correlate this list against our known subnets and begin building out defined sites for scanning. As we create our known sites, we can start whittling down the number of unknown or undefined subnets.

1. Ping Sweep template

The first step is to create a new scan template dedicated solely to a ping sweep. This template isn't scanning for any other services or ports, fingerprinting, or performing any other action –  it is simply sending pings to see what is alive. If we get a response back, we assume there is a live asset there, and this will help build out our known networks.

Create your template using these screenshots as guidance. Note that p ..

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