New Golang worm turns Windows and Linux servers into monero miners | SC Media

New Golang worm turns Windows and Linux servers into monero miners | SC Media

Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison delivers a keynote address at the Oracle OpenWorld conference in 2006. A newly discovered worm turns Windows and Linux servers into cryptocurrency miners. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

A new worm written in Golang turns Windows and Linux servers into miners of the cryptocurrency monero.

In a Wednesday blog post, researchers from Intezer said the worm spreads across the network to run XMRig Miner – a monero cryptocurrency miner – on a large scale. The malware then targets both Windows and Linux servers and can easily maneuver from one platform to the other. It targets public-facing services such as MySQL, Tomcat admin panel and Jenkins that have weak passwords. In an older version, the worm has also attempted to exploit WebLogic’s latest vulnerability: CVE-2020-14882.

During their analysis, the researchers found that the attacker kept updating the worm on the command and co ..

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