LexisNexis Emailage: Reimagining fraud detection by using email intelligence as a core risk identifier - Help Net Security

LexisNexis Emailage: Reimagining fraud detection by using email intelligence as a core risk identifier - Help Net Security

LexisNexis Risk Solutions announced the availability of LexisNexis Emailage, a powerful fraud risk scoring solution fueled by email intelligence to help companies balance a seamless user experience with robust fraud detection and prevention capabilities.

This solution helps solve both of these challenges by allowing organizations to confidently assess risk, approve transactions faster and more effectively outsmart quickly changing fraud tactics within digital transactions.

LexisNexis Emailage reimagines fraud detection by using email intelligence as a core risk identifier. Email is a unique global identifier that unlocks digital engagement and transactions in every industry because it is one of the most commonly used components of an online transaction.

Email is rich with transaction history and difficult to change because it links to an individual’s online accounts.

“Consumers want to connect through an increasing numb ..

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