Keeper Security Unveils Granular Sharing Enforcements for Easier Compliance

Today. Keeper Security has announced Granular Sharing Enforcements for all products in the Keeper® platform. Granular Sharing enables administrators to enforce detailed creating and sharing permissions at the user level. By implementing these permissions, organisations can ensure employees only have access to the resources necessary for their roles, minimising the risk of unauthorised access, data breaches and lateral movement within a network. 

Craig Lurey, CTO and Co-founder of Keeper Security says: “It’s critical for organisations to have security solutions that help them adhere to increasing regulations and compliance requirements. Granular permission control helps organisations enhance their security posture by restricting access to sensitive information and systems. With Granular Sharing Enforcements, it’s easier than ever for IT administrators to better control the principle of least privilege and streamline operations within their organisations.”

Keeper’s added Granular Sharing Enforcement policies provide more detailed restrictions that administrators can apply to users for both creating and sharing records. Most employees do not need access to all of the data or functionalities within an organisation, and many industries and geographical regions have specific regulations and compliance requirements regarding data protection and privacy, including HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS and SOX. Granular permission controls enable organisations to align with local and industry regulations by allowing them to define and enforce access policies. This helps in ensuring the organisation is compliant with industry standards and legal requirements. 

Key features of Keeper’s Granular Sharing Enforcements include auditing, version control, and encryption.

Keeper Administrators can easily customise permissions to best suit the compliance needs of their organisation. Administrators modify permissions in the Enforcement Policies section of the Admin Console fo ..

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