If you're an update laggard, buck up: Chrome zero-days are being exploited in the wild

If you're an update laggard, buck up: Chrome zero-days are being exploited in the wild

Patch Google Chrome with the latest updates – if you don't, you're vulnerable to a zero-day that is actively being exploited, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has warned.

Criminals are targeting users of Chrome with outdated installations, CISA said in an advisory note urging folk to update their browsers immediately.

"Google has released Chrome version 86.0.4240.183 for Windows, Mac, and Linux addressing multiple vulnerabilities, including vulnerability CVE-2020-16009. Exploit code for this vulnerability exists in the wild," said the agency in a statement.

The vuln affects the desktop version of Chrome and is a remote code execution bug publicly uncovered by Google's Project Zero infosec bods. It exists in V8, which is Google's open-source JS and WebAssembly engine. Full details of the exploit are not yet in the public do ..

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