ICS protocol coverage using Snort 3 service inspectors

With more devices on operational technology (OT) networks now getting connected to wide-reaching IT networks, it is more important than ever to have effective detection capabilities for ICS protocols.

However, there are a few issues that usually arise when creating detection for ICS protocol traffic.

Oftentimes, the protocols connecting these devices on modern networks originate in older serial protocols. This transition resulted in protocols that use techniques like bitfields to reduce message size and multiple levels of encapsulation to avoid changes to the original protocol. These protocols often support combining multiple requests into one packet (pipelining) or splitting up a single request across multiple packets (fragmenting). Snort is fully capable of detecting traffic using any of these approaches, however, it requires a deeper understanding of the underlying protocol and more complicated plaintext rules, which is not always feasible.

The solution to these problems lies in the use of a Snort 3 service inspector for protocols requiring increased detection capabilities. Service inspectors are an evolution of Snort 2's preprocessors, providing access to additional built-in rules that look for protocol-level abnormalities, normalize pipelined and fragmented messages, and provide additional verification that the traffic being inspected is the expected protocol. Through the use of rule options exposed by existing service inspectors, plaintext rule writers can focus on the coverage of interest and let Snort handle protocol decoding and normalization.


At this time Snort 3 contains six service inspectors focused on ICS protocols: MMS, IEC104, ENIP/CIP, S7CommPlus, DNP3 and Modbus.



Snort 2


Snort 3

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