How to Use GoScan to Quickly Enumerate Networks & Services

How to Use GoScan to Quickly Enumerate Networks & Services

Network enumeration is one of the essential phases of an attack, but it can take a lot of time and effort depending on the size. We've all been spoiled by Nmap and similar tools, and while there is a learning curve involved, they are extremely useful. But there's also GoScan, a tool that builds upon Nmap, offering an automated way to enumerate networks and services quickly.

GoScan vs Other Network Scanners

GoScan is an interactive network scanner written in Go that automates certain aspects of Nmap and service enumeration. It features intelligent tab auto-completion and an SQLite database on the back end to maintain connections and data, even in unstable environments. GoScan also features other external integrations, such as sqlmap, DNSenum, Hydra, Nikto, EyeWitness, and NBTScan.

GoScan differs from other network scanners in that it's more of a framework, built upon other tools for abstraction and automation purposes. It primarily uses Nmap's functionality to perform port scanning and service enumeration but also takes advantage of other scanners like Nikto.

While GoScan is useful for quickly enumerating networks and services, there are a few things that could be improved. First, once in the framework, there is no way to issue underlying goscan quickly enumerate networks services