How to train your Ghidra

How to train your Ghidra

Getting started with Ghidra

For about two decades, being a reverse engineer meant that you had to master the ultimate disassembly tool, IDA Pro. Over the years, many other tools were created to complement or directly replace it, but only a few succeeded. Then came the era of decompilation, adding even more to the cost and raising the barrier to entry into the RE field.

Then, in 2019, Ghidra was published: a completely open-source and free tool, with a powerful disassembler and a built-in decompiler for each supported platform. However, the first release did not look even close to what us reverse engineers were used to, so many of us tried and then abandoned it.

It may sound anecdotal, but the most popular answer to, “Have you used Ghidra?” I usually hear is, “Yeah, tried it, but I’m used to IDA”, or “I don’t have the time to check it out; maybe later”.  I was like that, too: tried to reverse something, failed miserably, went back to familiar tools. I would still download a newer version every once and then, and try to do some work or play CTF. One day, after making a few improvements to the setup and adding the missing databases, I would not go back.

So, here is my brief introduction to setting up Ghidra, and then configuring it with a familiar UI and shortcuts, so that you would not need to re-learn all the key sequences you have got used to over the years.


Ghidra is a complex collection of source code with many third-party dependencies that are known to contain security vulnerabilities. There are no guarantees that the current code base is free from those or that it does not conta ..

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