How to Stop Spam Emails in Gmail, Outlook and More

How to Stop Spam Emails in Gmail, Outlook and More

If you have an email address, chances are you’ve received a spam email before. Spam emails are unsolicited messages that may ask for monetary donations, alert you about the security of your account or advertise products and services you didn’t sign up for.

While spam emails are annoying at best, they can also be incredibly harmful if they’re laced with malware designed to infect your device or steal your personal information. To prevent this from happening and regain control over your inbox, follow this guide on how to stop spam emails.

1. Report the Email as Spam

While your first impulse might be to delete spam emails as soon as they hit your inbox, this doesn’t do much to prevent them from ever reaching you in the first place.

Many email hosting services provide built-in filters that automatically filter out potential spam messages, but you can increase your protection by further training your spam filter to recognize spam emails. This involves manually filtering spam inside your inbox and is a tool for more thoroughly preventing spam and reporting spam messages to your email client. Here’s how to do it:

How to Report Spam in Gmail

To report an email as spam in Gmail:

1. Select the email(s) you want to report as spam by checking the box next to it or clicking into a specific email. 

2. Click the Report spam button. It looks like an exclamation mark within a stop sign shape and is located at the top of the page next to the Archive and Delete buttons.

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