How 9/11 and the Coronavirus Pushed the UAE and Israel Together

How 9/11 and the Coronavirus Pushed the UAE and Israel Together

The normalization pact between the United Arab Emirates and Israel that surprised the world on Thursday is the fruit of almost 20 years of covert ties between the two tiny Middle Eastern powers, and can ultimately be traced to the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. Because the Saudi hijackers used Dubai as a key point to transfer funds, the Emiratis quickly latched onto the Israelis to develop the cybersecurity software that would help the UAE rescue and rebuild its credibility as the Middle East’s premier financial center. “9/11 was the big wake-up call that made it clear the UAE needed to have the best technology, and that presented an opportunity for the Israelis,” said Ghanem Nuseibeh, founder of London-based Cornerstone Global Associates and a veteran advisor to companies in the region.

Born of necessity, the two countries’ first dealings blossomed into an unusually broad relationship. Over the past two decades, business relations between the UAE and Israel have spread from computer surveillance and airport security into shipping, desalination, agricultural technology, real estate, and tourism. Most prominent in recent months has been the UAE’s interest in supporting and gaining access to Israeli research into a vaccine and treatment for COVID-19. While the common threat from Iran, the Emiratis’ aspirations to a bigger regional role, the Palestinian issue, and pressure from Washington all played a role in the peace deal, it is these business and financial relations—and the predominance of Israeli civilian, defense, and intelligence technology—that ultimately laid the groundwork for any deal. This is also where the UAE has the most to gain.

From the first tweet, it was clear what U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hope to get from open UAE-Israel ties. Both the U.S. and Israeli lead ..

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