Here's everything you can do to stop annoying robocalls - CNET

Here's everything you can do to stop annoying robocalls - CNET
AT&T's Call Protect stops unwanted calls.  Jason Cipriani/CNET

Robocalls are about to meet their match. These are the rampant, inconvenient, and sometimes scammy phone calls that convey a prerecorded message and often urge you to do something. For example, roping you into a free trip to the Bahamas that you never applied for, or a call tricking you to give up information to "the IRS". There were over 58 billion robocalls in 2019 alone, according to YouMail. Now, the US government and leading tech companies are attacking the practice, and there are measures you can take right now.

From the executive side, President Trump recently signed the Traced Act into law, a bipartisan piece of legislation that gives government agencies and law enforcement more power to dismantle robocalls by targeting the perpetrators. 

Specifically, the Traced Act extends the statute of limitations for law enforcement to go after bad actors, increases penalties, and requires phone companies to authenticate calls and determine if the phone number that is calling you is real. For its part, the FCC previously passed a proposal that gives carriers the permission to more aggressively block spam calls. 

On the ground, wireless carrier networks are using SHAKEN/STIR technology to identify and block spam calls, not only on their own respective networks, but between phone providers as well. Apple even added a feature to iOS 13 that lets you thwar ..

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