Hack-age delivery! Wardialing, wardriving... Now warshipping: Wi-Fi-spying gizmos may lurk in future parcels

Hack-age delivery! Wardialing, wardriving... Now warshipping: Wi-Fi-spying gizmos may lurk in future parcels

Maybe, maybe not. These hack-in-a-box widgets are something to think about at least, says Big Blue

Black Hat IBM's X-Force hacking team have come up with an interesting variation on wardriving – you know, when you cruise a neighborhood scouting for Wi-Fi networks. Well, why not try using the postal service instead, and called it "warshipping," Big Blue's eggheads suggested earlier today.

To demonstrate this approach, the X-Force team built a low-power gizmo consisting of a $100 single-board computer with built-in 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity and GPS. It's smaller than the palm of your hand, and can be hidden in a package sent out for delivery to a target's business or home.

Once it arrives, it can be activated remotely over the internet, or when it detects it is near its destination using GP ..

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