From Churn to Cherry on Top: How to Foster Talent in a Cybersecurity Skills Gap

From Churn to Cherry on Top: How to Foster Talent in a Cybersecurity Skills Gap

The mythical (un)icorn pipeline

When it comes to building a cybersecurity talent pipeline that feeds directly into your company, there’s one go-to source for individuals who are perfectly credentialed, know 100% of all the latest technology, and will be a perfect culture-fit: Imaginationland.

Of course we all know that isn’t a real place, and that the sort of talent described above doesn’t really exist. It’s more about thoughtfully building a talent pipeline that benefits your specific organization and moves the needle for the company. The key word in that last sentence? Thoughtfully. Because it takes strategic planning, collaboration, and a thoughtful nature to source from educational institutions, LinkedIn groups, talent-that’s-not-quite-fully-baked-but-soon-could-be, and many other venues that may not be top-of-mind.

Identifying those venues and solidifying a pipeline/network will go a long way in preventing continuous talent churn and finding individuals who bring that special something that makes them the cherry on top of your team.    

The (un)usual places

Do you have a list? A few go-to places for sourcing talent? How old is that list? Do you have a feeling it might be extremely similar to talent-sourcing lists at other companies? It only takes relocating one letter in the word “sourcing” to turn it into “scouring.” As in, scouring the internet to find great talent. Not a word with 100%-negative connotation, but it implies that – after that open analyst req has been sitting on all the job sites for months – maybe now there’s a certain frantic quality to your talent search.

So if you’re going to scour, you may as well make it a smart scour. Targeting specific avenues on and offl ..

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