For Cybersecurity, the Tricks Come More Than Once a Year

Anyone who pays attention on April Fool’s Day has learned to think twice about the information they read, the links they receive and the people who try impersonating others. The irony, though, is that while we’re hypervigilant against these harmless pranks, malicious actors are trying to play the same types of tricks on us day in and day out. 


Phishing attacks, malicious links and social engineering are just a few of the tricks used by cybercriminals to obtain credentials and other valuable information. The data they steal can then be leveraged to do real harm to victims  or used as part of a larger cyberattack. As technology progresses, so are these cyber scammers who have learned to utilise AI chatbots and deep fake technology to make their attacks even more sophisticated.


Phishing attacks are the one of the most common attack vectors used by cybercriminals. This technique involves sending unsolicited emails or messages that appear to be from a reputable source, such as a bank, social media platform or online retailer, saying you need to take some sort of action. The messages typically contain a link that downloads malware onto your device or directs you to a fake website that looks like the real one. Once you enter your credentials or other sensitive information, the bad actors can use it to access your accounts or steal your identity.


When encountering a suspicious message, you should always check the sender’s email address, hover over any links to verify the URL and avoid providing sensitive information until you have confirmed the sender’s identity independently from the original message.


AI chatbots are another tool used by cybercriminals to trick people into revealing their sensitiv ..

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