Finfisher malware authors fire off legal threats to silence German journos

Finfisher malware authors fire off legal threats to silence German journos

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Malware authors behind the Finfisher spyware suite, well beloved by dictators, have sent legal threats intended to silence a German news blog that reported them to criminal prosecutors over allegedly illegal malware exports.

"Our reporting on the criminal complaint [we filed] against the producers of the state trojan-horse spyware software FinFisher has resulted in mail from the law firm Schertz-Bergmann. We were urged to sign a cease-and-desist declaration," said the site's Markus Beckedahl in a recent post.

He told El Reg that Finfisher's authors allege that Netzpolitik broke German media laws by not asking them to comment on the allegations against them. Beckedahl said that for years he and his colleagues had been asking Finfisher for comment, without reply, including for the disputed articles.

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