Final Elections Update | Avast

Final Elections Update | Avast
David Strom, 28 October 2020

Local voting systems are highly vulnerable to ransomware attempts

We're less than a week away from the 2020 U.S. election, and there has been news of a ransomware attack in northern Georgia. The attack hit a network that supports the Hall County government infrastructure and includes election and telephone systems. It was the first time that systems were brought down, although it wasn’t the first time election systems have been targeted by ransomware.
The attack happened earlier in October and was reported in this series of notices by the county. The affected systems included the voter signature database and various geographic data including precinct maps, according to the local newspaper account. The county is about an hour’s drive north of Atlanta. Despite systems taken offline, voting and registration continued without any interruption of service. Georgia is one of the “universal” mail-in voting states.
Further reading:An elections security progress report: Black Hat editionElection hacking: A September updateOctober election update: Hacking and suppressing the vote
According to the U.S. Elections Project, almost 3 million voters, or more than 40% of those registered, have already voted. Hall County is a bit ahead of the rest of the s ..

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