Fakes, Privacy Awareness and Disaster Relief Predicted for 2020

Fakes, Privacy Awareness and Disaster Relief Predicted for 2020

Attacks on integrity using AI and deepfakes, deployment of anti-surveillance technology and govermment interest in cybersecurity issues will be the main changes to the security industry next year, according to Forrester

The analyst firm’s 2020 predictions claimed that “integrity attacks” such as deepfakes will go on to “cost businesses over a quarter of a billion dollars” as attackers use AI technologies like natural language generation and video AI to generate fake audio and video designed to fool users.

Also on the theme of AI, 20% of enterprise customers will prohibit the use of their data for AI, as more and more organizations will become selective about what data they give to their vendors, as they choose “to opt out of data sharing due to concerns about anonymization, privacy and accidental disclosure.”

Also on the theme of privacy, Forrester claimed that mass data collection “will drive a 15% growth in anti-surveillance technology” after corporate economic surveillance expanded in 2019, with consumers turning to anti-surveillance technology that conceals, distorts, or blocks public and private surveillance tools. These include: clothing that foils license plate readers, anonymized search engines, lockers for private deliveries, anonymous credit cards, VPNs, anonymization services and ad blockers.

In the same theme, the analysts predicted that companies will use the data they collect as a key reason to make acquisitions, allowing them to circumvent controls and regulatory oversight and weaponize data by using it to manipulate, subvert, or target populations. For example, if a company that owns personal data is acquired by a government-owned firm, the data will go on to be owned by a potential adversary. 

In an email to Infosecurity, VP principal analyst at F ..

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